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Step 1 - Using the Joomla installer

Go to your Admin control panel for your site. In the Menu at the top, go to Installers > Templates ñ Site. Next browse for your rt_firenzie.tgz file you downloaded and then click Upload File & Install. Now Firenzie is installed and in your template list. You should observe an introductory page in which you select Continue.

Joomla Template Install

Step 2 - Making Firenzie your default template

Next, from your admin control panel, go to Site > Template Manager > Site Templates. This will pull up the list of your installed templates. Find Firenzie on the list and select the radio button to the left and then click Default up in the top right corner. Now Firenzie is set as your default template. If you view your site, you should see the Firenzie template up and running.

Joomla Template Manager
RocketTheme Joomla Templates